GetActorTransform returns an outdated value

Hello. I have 2 BPs, one with Character parent class, other is an Actor. When shot, the Character is destroyed and the Actor is spawned. After a short delay, the Actor should “turn back to” Character. The problem is: the Actor can be moved during this delay, and if it is moved, the Character (BP Red Small) spawns at the initial Actor location.

Image above is the script for the Actor. I want the Character to always spawn at the current Actor location. Thanks for help!

It seems when I try to move the Actor by adding impulse to its location it moves, but its Transform remains unchanged. That’s why the Character spawns on outdated location. I still don’t know how to solve my issue though.

The solution was simple. The Transform wasn’t changing because I was pushing the Cube component, not the root. Later, when I tried to get self Transform it obviously gave me the unchanged Transform of the root.

So I replaced the root with the Cube component and it worked perfectly.
