I hope these images speak for themselves: (bounding box is visualised by box trace)
Ignored 5 instanced static meshes when calculating actor bounds:
Child actor components are also ignored:
It looks like child actor components and instanced meshes are not considered as a part of an actor somewhere in the process, because there is a bug with “Merge Actors” tool that also ignores child actor components and instanced meshes: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/357688/merge-actors-2-bugs.html
… So that might be a clue for this bug.
Yes, it can be reproduced in new, clean project by adding Child Actor Component into a blueprint (for example by using “Add Child Actor Component” in Construction Script) and checking actor bounds by GetActorBounds node. Bounds can be visualised by e.g. performing a Box Trace with Start & End set to ‘Origin’ output and Half Size set to GetActorBounds’ “Box Extent”.
Any added Child Actor Component will be not taken into account when calculating actor bounds. Same for instanced static meshes.
The apple on the image is a Child Actor Component, while threee other objects are Static Mesh Components. It doesn’t take the apple into account when calculating actor bounds. On the left is what bounding box looks like, on the right - what it should look like (so it treats the apple as a part of the actor, just like these three other meshes)
I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report (UE-25749) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for your time and information.
Note: You could get the bounds for the child actor. I have added an example below.
I took a quick look at the issue that you linked in your last comment. It appears as though these could be related. I will be sure to bump up the community interest for this issue.