GetActiveCameraComponent from LevelSequencePlayer return null in 5.4

GetActiveCameraComponent from LevelSequencePlayer return null in 5.4 but in 5.3 its work fine.

Same issue here, we used GetActiveCameraComponent() to do some procedural adjustment on the active sequencer camera but it’s not cached anymore. From the source you can see ULevelSequencePlayer::OnCameraCutUpdated has been changed and the CachedCameraComponent is never set anymore.

I fixed it by updating the engine, in LevelSequencePlayer.cpp, added the line:

void ULevelSequencePlayer::OnCameraCutUpdated(const UE::MovieScene::FOnCameraCutUpdatedParams& Params)
	// this var is not set anymore in 5.4, so we couldn't access the current camera (GetActiveCameraComponent)
	CachedCameraComponent = Params.ViewTargetCamera;

If you don’t build the engine from source I suspect the only fix is to retrieve the active camera through another means, like the viewport.

I bind to ULevelSequencePlayer event OnCameraCut

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Thanks for the report. I filed a bug and it will be made publicly visible in the next day or so. You can follow that bug to check for updates:

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