Get world velocity?

Is there such a thing as ‘get world velocity’ of a pawn?

If my e.g paper2d character stands on a moving platform ‘get velocity’ will return [0,0,0] which is obviously not its world velocity, and I can’t find anything that’ll give me this data.

Does anyone know of an easy way to get this? Or if it’s not easily accessible? Or a hard way to get it? :slight_smile:


I think you want to use the node called “Get Velocity”.

Should work with paper 2d too.

Hope it helps.

Its normal, when your character is standing on a flying thing, if your character dont move, its velocity will be 0. I think u should get velocity of the moving platform instead of the character.

Let’s go a step further. If they are standing still and your getting velocity. To what means are you using it for? Velocity is relative like a parked car on the earth is going pretty fast but says zero mph :wink:

I’m not at a computer to try this but say you run a tick on this

Tick - self get world location set locationA delay 1sec, self get world location set locationB … LocationA-LocationB -length

This should return your velocity per second?

super necro but I just had to come in because you gave a condescending answer that was incorrect. Velocity is not relative inherently. When we talk about velocity on the surface of the Earth we usually assume we are subtracting the velocity of the Earth from whatever we record on the surface. Acceleration is relative. A parked car has an acceleration of zero. It’s velocity is quite literally astronomical.

next time you could just offer the equation :wink:

7 years, jeez. That makes me feel old.