Hello, so I’m trying to get the speed of a cube.
Here I have successfully done it with Player Character. (Ignore the delay, was experimenting with something else )
Moving forward, I created an Actor Blueprint with a cube mesh inside as seen below
I then added them to the world
And edited the code to reference the cube(s) instead. Note that the Widget BP is summoned from the level BP(not shown)
Pushing the box does not update the velocity
It should be noted that I had done something similar to display the z-axis of the box with no issues
Alright with all that out of the way, how do I get the velocity of the cube?
Is it not working because im referencing the cube actor but…the “actor itself isnt moving”, rather the ‘object’ within the actor is moving, therefore actor=0velocity?
How come it works for coordinate instead? is it because Get World Location gets from Scene Component? Can i get the same (scene component) for velocity rather than Get Velocity’s target of Actor? I might be wrong here! Im making a bunch of assumptions from my lack of understanding.
Would appreciate any answers and comments to clarify this and hopefully make the Get Velocity work for the cube(s). Thanks!