Get vector length in a float declaration?

Is it possible to get the length of a vector while declaring the variable in a function? If so, what’s the terminology/jargon to do it? This is an engine source change but nobody ****** posts or replies in that part of the forums so I’m dropping it here…

Here’s my code, what I want to do is get the length of the hard-coded (Particle.Velocity) vector and store it as “VelocLength” like so:

void UParticleModuleSizeByVelocity::Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float DeltaTime)
	/* Get the length of the particles velocity vector */
	float VelocLength = ;

	FVector VelocityScaleFactor = SizeByVelocity.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component) * (Particle.Velocity);
	Particle.Size = Particle.BaseSize * VelocityScaleFactor;

I’ll then modify the code to change the velocity scale factor by the vector length, just like the following:

void UParticleModuleSizeByVelocity::Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, int32 Offset, float DeltaTime)
	/* Get the length of the particles velocity vector */
	float VelocLength = BLAHBLAHBLAH;
	float VelocityScaleFactor = SizeByVelocity.GetValue(Particle.RelativeTime, Owner->Component) * VelocLength;
	Particle.Size = Particle.BaseSize * VelocityScaleFactor;

This is done every-frame per particle, so it can’t be TOO computationally expensive. Surely there’s a short-cut way to do it? Oh and of course, the float should be an absolute (positive) value too.

Okay, turns out the way to do it isn’t Size(Particle.Velocity), but instead use Particle.Velocity.Size()