Get variable to other blueprint

In my WeaponPickupBP with On Component Begin Overlap I want to set a variable (boolean), lets name it weaponInRange? to true and with On Component End Overlap I want to set this weaponInRange? variable back to false.
Now I want to use this variable in my ThirdPersonCharacter_BP, because weaponInRange? has to be true + the keyboard event P has to be pressed to do the weapon pick up.

How can I get the value of weaponInRange? from the WeaponPickupBP to the ThirdPersonCharacter_BP?


I would put the box collision directly inside the player instead of using a second BP just for that, but since you have it like this and if there is only one “WeaponPickupBP” in the level, you can use the “get actor of class” node in the begin play and save that reference as a variable to use when you need it