Get Time Passed in Current Montage

So there is a node “get current montage” (I am guessing this is what I need use), however, I am trying to calculate how much time has passed in the anim montage. I know there is a ‘get play length’ node that I can grab off of that, however, this just provides me with how long the animation is, not at what second in the animation that it is in.

I’m trying to do this because I’ve been trying to setup multiplayer montages and have read a few times this is a good method to reduce lag.

Hey @CVoiceOfficial!

I believe this is what you are looking for!


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Yes, thank you

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I don’t know why, but it doesn’t take the blend out time in consideration, it resets to 0 as soon as the blend out starts

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But changing the blend out trigger time to 0 seems to solve it


What a superb NODE!
Thanks for the tip. For those wondering (like me for 5 min), you need the node Get Anim Instance from your skeletal mesh in order to use it