Get Tilt to rotate camera to iPhones facing direction


I have an issue where I am seeing different behavior between the Tilt values returned between Android and iOS devices. My current blueprint code for iOS gives me correct movement when looking forward and rotating 90 degrees left, right up or down. However when the phone is rotated past 90 it starts to add to the pitch and either looks straight down or straight up.

The problem is only happening on iOS. I know the axis are different between the platforms so I use different values for Android, but I don’t seem to get the same behavior when looking past 90 degrees; it works as expected.

I have done my best to demonstrate the issue in a video here: [Video Link][3]

For the sake of the video, I am only applying rotating to the yaw and not including the pitch, so its easier to comprehend.

The problem I experience on iPhone is when turning past 90 degrees to look behind me at the BACK text, it starts to rotate the opposite direction. It fixes itself when I cross back and start looking towards FRONT again.

The screenshot below is how I am taking the value from Get Tilt and converting it to a vector, which I then use as my rotation roll, pitch and yaw.

Can anyone help me out with a solution?

Thanks in advance!