For example i have an Enum of ItemCategory which consist : weapons, armor, potion
now i print a itemCat variable which is a Itemcategory enum using enum to name function, it shows Itemtype::Enumerator0
what i wan is printing out weapons instead of Itemtype::Enumerator0
currently im using a switch to manually type the name which is hard coded, i want it to automatically print the name of the enum everytime i add a new category
Note that Enum to String returns the DisplayName in Editor mode and returns its enum’s literal text in Packages game. So it’s not very reliable. I think there’s no way directly converting enum to string in BP. You should write it case by case in CPP. A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums provides how but be aware that templatized version can’t be UFUNCTION