Get/Set Item Stat Values

Can anyone explain how to use Stat Value and Stat Info modifiers ( I think these were new in the 253 ADK update )

I have tried using GetItemStatValues in a loop with indecies 0-100 but all the values seem to be set to 0?

Setting values using SetItemStatValues appears to have no effect on an item or ‘item blueprint’.

Anyone know what the index values should be? Or have an example of how to use these methods?

Get/SetItemStatInfo also appears to be new?

Thanks in advance.

From the 253 update spreadsheet:

item 13: Please add custom item generation with specific crafting requirements. Allow spawning specific items, at specific color qualities (green, blue, purple, etc) and make every stat customizable for that item class. This would enable a wide array of “reasearch” type mods possible.


"getter/setter for
FItemStatInfo ItemStatInfos[EPrimalItemStat::MAX];

    UPROPERTY(Transient, SaveGame, SaveData)
    uint16 ItemStatValues[EPrimalItemStat::MAX];

and wrapped the InitItem functions to generate their random qualities"