Get Samples

Just getting the sound samples.
Something that makes sound-based games possible, basically.

Shouldn’t be too hard to integrate.

By “get samples,” do you mean “record what’s on the microphone input” ?
Or do you mean “read back the mixed samples that are being played out to the speakers” ?
Or something else?

I mean “read back the mixed samples that are being played out to the speakers”.
Just like Unity has with his getData : Unity - Scripting API: AudioClip.GetData

The new audio mixer our engineer is working on will have support that feature. In the meantime, you are welcome to create a custom XAPO effect and hack into XAudio2 if you want to get the audio stream now on PC. Our engine has custom code for each API which is platform specific, so you would need to create this feature on a per platform basis. FMOD is integrated into Unity which is why the functionality is more easily supported and programmable. Our audio framework works differently and we are working on improving this as we move forward.

Thank you,

Can we get an ETA or version number at which this feature is expected to come out ? Or just a notification for when this will come out.
Thanks for the reply btw.