it seems that the “Get relevant anim time remaining” node is not working with random sequence player in states.
Seems like in this case 0 is always returned.
It’s possible the node was not meant for this kind of use, but in that case it would be greatly appreciated if “Random Sequence Player” node would output time remaining of the currently played animation (or the one with highest blend ratio in a case blend between random animations is happening) so that the “Get relevant anim time remaining” would work correctly.
thanks for taking the time for the answer. I think I understand and your solution is certainly a way to go.
Still it feels like the Random Sequence Player is often too convenient for many situations (playing random idle animations), but at some point when you are leaving a state it would be very useful to get what is the remaining time of currently playing animation in the Random Sequence Player.
I have no idea about the technical background or design choices in RSP, but even looped animation has it’s real end, and just being able to get that kind of time remaining would be great.