I need to tranform 2 world vectors (location and rotation) in 2 local vectors (relative location and relative rotation).
For the location I’ve used inverse transform location node but for the rotation i’m going crazy.
Can someone help me?
I need to tranform 2 world vectors (location and rotation) in 2 local vectors (relative location and relative rotation).
For the location I’ve used inverse transform location node but for the rotation i’m going crazy.
Can someone help me?
Assuming you have “actor A” and “actor B”.
The relative location of “actor A” to “actor B” is “actor B” - “actor A” (the actor that should get the relative location(A) - the actor that is the “root”(B)).
And the same works with relative rotation. Subtract the rotation of the relative object from the object that’s supposed to be in world space and you should get your relative rotation.
I’ve already tried this solution, but it doesn’t work, because (i think) Actor A moves on its world space, if I have a difference B - A, I’ve the distance between A and B, but A takes this movement on its axis.
I don’t think I can follow you. Why doesn’t it work? And why is it important if the “root actor” moves?
I need to move an actor on a specific component located on a character (grab object and show in front of camera), but i need to move only the mesh of the blueprint actor, if i move the entire blueprint actor I will have a lot of problem with trigger/box collision.
Then just move the mesh where you want it to be. I don’t really get what your issue is.
I just described how to translate relative to world space.
You can move each component either in relative or in world space. Actors obviously only in world space because they are their own root. And moving relative to itself is not really a thing.
For a lot of gameplay reasons I need to mantain the original pivot of grabbed object.
Would you mind fully explaining what you want to do and where exactly you are right now?
I have the feeling I don’t really understand what you’re asking from your answers so far.