Get real rotation value from the sequence (not -180 <> 180 )


i am strugling for hours to just get the real rotation value in C++ from my actor animated by the sequencer.
(exemple 720° and not -180° ) :slight_smile:
i use this value to blend between two rotation, so i have a glitch when i pass from -180 to 180 or 360 to 0;

it seem a really stupid question, here my issue in video

// getLocationTracking(indexToLookStart) return Actor->GetActorTransform();

CranePosition.Blend(getLocationTracking(indexToLookStart), getLocationTracking(indexToLookStart+1), blendTargetActor);
CarriageTrackRotationControl->SetRelativeRotation( CranePosition.GetRotation() );

i try almost all possibilities with the GetActorTransform(); (Euler(), rotator(), GetRotation() etc…) but impossible to get the real value of the rotation.
Thank you very much for your help

Best regards

If you want it to be 0 to 360 and not -180 to 180 you simply take the value and add 180 to it. this will now always make it 0 to 360.

hi @ ,

thank you for your reponse
unfortualty, is not working, is the same problem with -180 <> 180 or 0 <> 360.

when i blend between the two rotation and for exemple with an alpha at 0.5:
if the firstCubeRot (have two spin 0-720°) he pass the first spin, and it reach for exemple 375° become 15°
so i have an glitch and the blend dosen’t work anymore

// if my secondCubeRot as an static rotation of 90.
blendRot = FQuat::Slerp(firstCubeRot, secondCubeRot, 0.5f));

// before the first spin if firstCubeRot is 359
// the blendRot = 224,5.

// but whenthe first cube is reach 360 (become 0)
// the blendRot become 45 instead 225.

so it’s why i need the real rotation from the sequencer and not clamped to 0 - 360 or -180 <> 180

i look for hour and i find anything

it’s possible in C++ the get the active sequencer and get the value of an channel ?
or something similar ?

Thank you very much for your help.
Best Regards