i am strugling for hours to just get the real rotation value in C++ from my actor animated by the sequencer.
(exemple 720° and not -180° )
i use this value to blend between two rotation, so i have a glitch when i pass from -180 to 180 or 360 to 0;
it seem a really stupid question, here my issue in video
i try almost all possibilities with the GetActorTransform(); (Euler(), rotator(), GetRotation() etc…) but impossible to get the real value of the rotation.
Thank you very much for your help
thank you for your reponse
unfortualty, is not working, is the same problem with -180 <> 180 or 0 <> 360.
when i blend between the two rotation and for exemple with an alpha at 0.5:
if the firstCubeRot (have two spin 0-720°) he pass the first spin, and it reach for exemple 375° become 15°
so i have an glitch and the blend dosen’t work anymore
// if my secondCubeRot as an static rotation of 90.
blendRot = FQuat::Slerp(firstCubeRot, secondCubeRot, 0.5f));
// before the first spin if firstCubeRot is 359
// the blendRot = 224,5.
// but whenthe first cube is reach 360 (become 0)
// the blendRot become 45 instead 225.
so it’s why i need the real rotation from the sequencer and not clamped to 0 - 360 or -180 <> 180
i look for hour and i find anything
it’s possible in C++ the get the active sequencer and get the value of an channel ?
or something similar ?
Thank you very much for your help.
Best Regards