Get Random Reachable Point In Radius from C++, but refuses to compile?

I’m absolutely struggling to get this to work. I don’t know what I’m missing here. For context I’m in Notepad++ because Visual Studio makes me want to walk into traffic. So it’s difficulty to check what headers to include. Below is basically what I have, but it just refuses to compiled.

#include "TraceAttacks/Public/TraceAttackHelpers.h"
#include "GameFramework/WorldSettings.h"
#include "CollisionShape.h"
#include "CollisionQueryParams.h"
#include "DrawDebugHelpers.h"
#include "KismetTraceUtils.h"
#include "Kismet/KismetMathLibrary.h"
#include "Components/SkeletalMeshComponent.h"
#include "NavigationSystem.h"

FVector UTraceAttackHelpers::GetRandomLocation( UObject* WorldContextObject, AActor* Actor, float Radius )
	if ( ! IsValid( Actor ) ) {
		return FVector::ZeroVector;

	if ( ! IsValid( WorldContextObject ) ) {
		return FVector::ZeroVector;

	UWorld* World = WorldContextObject->GetWorld();

	if ( ! IsValid( World ) ) {
		return FVector::ZeroVector;

	FVector Origin = Actor->GetActorLocation();
	FNavLocation RandomPoint( Origin );

	// this is erroring for some reason
	UNavigationSystemV1* NavSys = FNavigationSystem::GetCurrent<UNavigationSystemV1>( World );

	if ( ! NavSys ) {
		return Actor->GetActorLocation();

	if ( ! NavSys->GetRandomReachablePointInRadius( Origin, Radius, RandomPoint ) ) {
		return Actor->GetActorLocation();

	return RandomPoint.Location;

Below is the errors it’s spitting out.

Module.TraceAttacks.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) private: static class UClass * __cdecl UNavigationSystemV1::GetPrivateStaticClass(void)" (__imp_?GetPrivateStaticClass@UNavigationSystemV1@@CAPEAVUClass@@XZ) referenced in function "public: static struct UE::Math::TVector<double> __cdecl UTraceAttackHelpers::GetRandomLocation(class UObject *,class AActor *,float)" (?GetRandomLocation@UTraceAttackHelpers@@SA?AU?$TVector@N@Math@UE@@PEAVUObject@@PEAVAActor@@M@Z)
  Hint on symbols that are defined and could potentially match:
    "__declspec(dllimport) private: static class UClass * __cdecl UBlueprintAsyncActionBase::GetPrivateStaticClass(void)" (__imp_?GetPrivateStaticClass@UBlueprintAsyncActionBase@@CAPEAVUClass@@XZ)
    "__declspec(dllimport) private: static class UClass * __cdecl UBlueprintFunctionLibrary::GetPrivateStaticClass(void)" (__imp_?GetPrivateStaticClass@UBlueprintFunctionLibrary@@CAPEAVUClass@@XZ)
    "__declspec(dllimport) private: static class UClass * __cdecl UMeshComponent::GetPrivateStaticClass(void)" (__imp_?GetPrivateStaticClass@UMeshComponent@@CAPEAVUClass@@XZ)
    "__declspec(dllimport) private: static class UClass * __cdecl UObject::GetPrivateStaticClass(void)" (__imp_?GetPrivateStaticClass@UObject@@CAPEAVUClass@@XZ)
    "__declspec(dllimport) private: static class UClass * __cdecl USkeletalMeshComponent::GetPrivateStaticClass(void)" (__imp_?GetPrivateStaticClass@USkeletalMeshComponent@@CAPEAVUClass@@XZ)

Anyone have any suggestions? It compiles if I comment out the GetRandomReachablePointInRadius and FNavigationSystem::GetCurrent calls.

This is a linker error: it looks like there is a missing module in your project’s Build.cs file

Probably the “NavigationSystem” module.

Try to add it in the Build.cs file (PublicDependencyModuleNames section)

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This is inside of an engine plugin. So I assume I need to just add it to PrivateDependencyModuleNames?

Edit: Yup, that did the trick. Added “NavigationSystem” to PrivateDependencyModuleNames in my engine plugins Build.cs. Thanks!

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