… if the object in question is map/level. Any solutions to this?
Hey @AllGamesSuck!
So to do this you’d have to reference the level blueprint which is a big can’t-do. Can you explain more of what it is you’re attempting with some context and maybe we can come up with a better way/workaround?
Hi, thanks for the reply. I’m just trying to get the level name (as it appears in the content browser), to load it from a widget (on button click). I found an article saying you can do it through the asset nodes.
Yeah, I could just write it, in the “load stream level” node, but the idea is to select it from a list of hundreds, and possibly setting it programmatically later on.
I could also “load stream level (by object reference)”, but I need to compare the name of the level with the currently loaded streaming level, which I hold inside a name variable in the game instance at all times, so I don’t load the same level twice. And I don’t know how to compare World Soft Object Reference with Name var.
So far I got this: