Get Position of Mouse through UMG Ratio?

Hello Friends,

I’m currently trying to get the position of the mouse on a UMG image to return a ratio float, where the bottom left corner is [0,0] and the top right corner is [1,1]. See image


I’ve been trying a ton of different blueprints, but nothing seems to work.
The closest I’ve gotten is to take the absolute size of my geometry and subtract it by the screen space position of the mouse event (on mouse move). This makes it so that y = 0 at the center of the image, but the x value is still wrong.

Does anyone have any suggestions for this? Note my texture will always be a cube.
Thank you in advance!

I am facing a similar problem. I’d like to get the mouse

hit position on the UMG image (where in the image is clicked) as a UV coordinate or as the pixel position of the original texture when the image is clicked.

On Clicked event just gives us the information that the button was just clicked, and does not give us where in the button was clicked. I’d like to know the latter information.

I tried like this.
[Demo movie on YouTube][3]