Get Player Character returns 0 in my Blueprint Third Person project

Hello to everyone!
I’m pretty new in Unrea Engine 4 and I’m following this this tutorial about Spline Component:
When I try to initialize the SplineBP variable of ThirdPerson Character the value returned from Get Player Character is “None” (I think is similar to nullptr of C++).

This is my ThirdPerson Character Bluprint snippet:

And this is my SplineBP snippet:

This is the “None” value received:

Where am I wrong?

Thank you in advance!

Just to make sure and might be dumb to ask. But are these 2 conditions true?

  1. Do you even spawn/have the right character blueprint selected in your gamemode? (You can find the gamemode under the right side tab called “World Settings”).
  2. Do you cast to the right character blueprint or did you change your character blueprint in any way aka new name etc.?

I don’t see anything inherintly wrong with your setup.