Get overlaps in editor via blutility?

do overlaps only occur at runtime or is it possible to get overlapping actors in the editor via a blutility?

i was playing around with blutilities (events that can be run in the editor) and also with making a tile grid based level, during this process i decided to try to make a blutility that can change the value of variable on every tile in the level based on if the tile was overlapping a actor of a class not matching the tile. so basically set a bool to false is the tile is being overlapped by a non tile actor. i first created a script on the tile that would execute at runtime and that worked without issue, but when i made a bluetility to do the same thing except in the editor non run time, no overlaps were generated.

i may have my definition of blutility a bit off but the main point here is do overlaps only occur at runtime.

I 'd like to know it too, I tried to use primitive component ComponentOverlapMulti function, but still no luck to detect overlap in editor. Does anyone know the answer?
I am developing a plugin that can spawn some mesh actor in editor, but I need to avoid overlap.

just a update for anyone in the future. i did find something of a solution in the nodes like box overlap actors (theres others that are similar such as sphere, component, etc). this allows you to get overlapping actors in the construction script.



Another thing to note, the actors you want to find via this overlap must have a physics collision shape. So it won’t find, for example, Static Mesh Actors with no imported or auto-generated collision primitives.

I think you can approve your own answer :slight_smile: