Get Overlapping Actors Works Until Restart

Hi All,

I need some advice about how to achieve a very simply thing. Essentially I have a BP with a sphere collision that pulls in all actor BPs of a specific type and then adds them to an array (lights). When I interact with the main BP it turns on all the lights in the radius. This works just fine until I close and reopen the project then I get errors in that BP and I have to disconnect and reconnect some nodes, then it works again. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Obviously I’m somehow circumventing the error check, but it works just fine until I restart. So my question is, does anyone have advice on how to achieve this without throwing errors?

I think the problem is that you need to cast to your BP Point Light or change the Point Light array to Actor type.

I think you’ll find if you delete the for each nodes, and remake them, it’s ok :slight_smile:

Thanks, unfortunately the issue persists on restart.

thank you, casting to the BP actor worked.