Get Object Name is different from World Outliner

In the process of writing a blue script to find an actor by tag I found that the names of actors we get from Get Object Name node is not same as what we see in world outliner. This wasted my lot of time tracing down. Is that expected? is there any other node to get the correct name what is displayed in the outliner? BTW: If i change the name in outlier it is able to find the name by name

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When testing this, the Get Object Name node returns the same name that is in the Scene Outliner for me. Could you post a screenshot of your blueprint setup?

Get Display Name is giving the expected output. Get Object Name is different. Are you sure both should be same? Let me know if this is not expected. BTW: These are the assets imported from max and UE4 named all of them.

Here is my actor:

  • Content Browser name: Shape_QuadPyramid

  • As it appears in the World Outliner: Shape_QuadPyramid4444

Here is my results:

  • GetDisplayName = Shape_QuadPyramid

  • GetObjectName = Shape_QuadPyramid4444

So you are seeing the original actor name even after renaming?

Please include a screenshot of what you are seeing and your setup.

Here is what I am getting.

Display:Floor, Object:Floor – Name is modified in outliner

Display:FinalwWalls_001, Object:FinalwWalls_001_8 – Name is unmodified
(original name after importing)

Below is BP

Is this what is not expected?

I duplicated your setup, but still couldn’t repro the issue. I named my blueprint in the World Outliner to Floor and it prints:

Display: Floor

Object: Floor

Would you be willing to create your issue in a small test project and post a link to download it here.

Well, I thought I already got the answer from your second reply but confusing again. So please answer these questions so that we are in a same page.

Name of the static mesh in content browser: RoofMesh

Scenario1: Name of the instance in the scene/level: RoofMesh (Leaving the name in outliner as it is)

  • Output1. What GetObjectName prints? RoofMeshxxx (where xxx is number)

  • Output2. What DisplayName prints? RoofMesh

Scenario2: Rename RoofMesh in the outliner to Roof

  • Output3. What GetObjectName prints? Roof

  • Output4. What DisplayName prints? Roof

Is this not expected?

Can you please tell me what are the outputs you expect for 1-4 for scenarios 1 and 2?

Sorry about that, I believe I was on a different page. That is correct.