Get notification when game receives game invite on platform

OnSessionUserInviteAcceptedDelegate is triggered whenever user accepts game invite and wondering session info/settings are same when user accepts with game invite and without game invite.
I tested myself and noticed these info const bool success, const int32 controllerId, FUniqueNetIdPtr userId, const FOnlineSessionSearchResult& result are same for both cases.
Wondering if there is any way to differentiate when joining game via game invite or without it.

unfortunately OnSessionUserInviteReceivedDelegate is not fired on multiple platform

In my game I used the same method you mentioned to accept the invite:

			this, &MyClass::InviteAccepted());

You can use the same, write down the info of the user (uniqueNetId) that accepted the invite, and you can do whatever you like. I, for example, showed “joining sesssion” on the user screen. As for other stuff, also as I noticed, it behaves the same as you would click on join session in the session list.

So, not sure what is your useCase, but OnSessionUserInviteAcceptedDelegates is definetely way to go with this.

When you send invite, you can write user ID to whom invite was sent. And then, if that same user joins the session, you can assume it’s by invitation.