Get Material Parameter

I want retrieve an existing parameter from a material and update it’s value.

Note: I like to highlight that I don’t want to work with Material Instance

for Material Instance there are functions to update an existing property.
set_material_instance_static_switch_parameter_value(instance, parameter_name, value)
which it will take MaterialInstanceConstant, parameter name and parameter value.

but there is nothing for Material.

I can create a new MaterialExpression and update it properties:

import unreal
from unreal import MaterialExpressionStaticBoolParameter, Name
libME = unreal.MaterialEditingLibrary
libEA = unreal.EditorAssetLibrary

nObjRef:Material = libEA.load_asset(materialPath)
param = libME.create_material_expression(nObjRef, MaterialExpressionStaticBoolParameter, 0, 0)
param = MaterialExpressionStaticBoolParameter.cast(param)
    Name("Default_Value"): True,
    Name("parameter_name"): "SomeName"

but I couldn’t find any function in unreal.MaterialEditingLibrary to update Material parameter to get an existing parameter.

any idea why it is not exposed? …or am I missing something?