Get landscape spline control points location with blueprint

It is possible to get create an array of the landscape splines control points using blueprint? If possible, how can I do that?
I know that it is possible to select all control points and click on the -Edit-Copy menu. Is there a way to do that using blueprint?

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I’m wondering this too. At best I managed to get the start and end points, but that’s useless.

Me too. I was thinking on how to do that. I was also trying to copy all the control points of a landscape spline, paste into a notepad and than trying to use the location of the controlpoints to add change the location of an obect inside the editor. That would suppost to change that object’s location to the same location of the controlpoint. But that is not what it happening.
So, does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Also, why the location of the landscape spline controlpoints are not acessible from blueprint?

I had this exact issue, so I made a plugin to do it. Landscape Spline Helper Plugin in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace