Get Insights working with Quest 2 and UE5

Does Anyone know? I did all the things i did for 4.27 (open adb ports and adding commands to the UECommandLine.txt) but no luck. It newer connects…

I made it work yesterday. (UE 5.3.2, maybe works with any UE5)


  • UE 5.3.2
  • Build/Install/Run your apk in Development mode
  • adb commands working
    • adb device must show your Quest2

I followed this guide with some modifications, adjusting the paths and names according with your project and Unreal 5 installation.

The guide is for UE4.25 so some paths are different in UE5.

  • UE4CommandLine.txt -> UECommandLine.txt
    • e.g: C:\Unreal\UE_5.3\Engine\Build\Android\UnrealGame

You don’t need this file, you can just create it somewhere paste the correct commands into it, and send it properly to your Quest2

Paste the code below into it adjusting to your scenario, I’ll explain each section.

../../../MyVRProject/MyVRProject.uproject /Game/Maps/Map01 -trace=log,counters,cpu,frame,bookmark,file,loadtime,gpu,rhicommands,rendercommands,object -statnamedevents -tracehost=192.168.1.XX -tracefile=/sdcard/UnrealEngine/MyVRProject/MostRecentTraceCapture.utrace
  • MyVRProject:
    • Your project name, if you didn’t change anything it’s your “project folder name”
  • /Game/Maps/Map01
    • a level/map, this is in my Content/Maps folder (Content/Maps/Map01)
  • -trace=log,counters,cpu,frame,bookmark,file,loadtime,gpu,rhicommands,rendercommands,object -statnamedevents
    • trace stats to return etc, don’t mess it
  • -tracehost=192.168.1.XX
    • The IP of your machine, the one running the UnrealInsights, this IP must be reached by your quest2 in your network (and do the adb port commands from the guide`)
  • -tracefile=/sdcard/UnrealEngine/MyVRProject/MostRecentTraceCapture.utrace
    • This path doesn’t exist and it was not created at all but it works, maybe it’s unnecessary

Now, you must find your project/app files in the Quest2, the guide points to /sdcard/UE4Game/<ProjectDir>, this is different for UE5.3.2.

  • You need the correct path to adb push the UECommandLine.txt

IT’S BETTER if you find it by yourself. It’ll probably be in e.g:

  • /sdcard/Android/data/com.home.MyVRProject/files/UnrealGame/MyVRProject

    • com.home.MyVRProject
      • Android Package Name: Project Settings -> com.home.[PROJECT]
    • you must know how to navigate into it using adb shell and cd/ls commands

After finding the correct path, push the UECommandLine.txt file

  • Into the folder with the UECommandLine.txt
  • adb push UECommandLine.txt /sdcard/Android/data/com.home.MyVRProject/files/UnrealGame/MyVRProject


  • Run UnrealInsights
  • Check Auto astarts analysis LIVE
  • Run your app in Quest2
  • UnrealSights must connect and open the trace stuff

PS: remember to follow the guide for some clarification

PS2: BE AWARE! Idk butI believe when I installed and ran a new build UECommandLine.txt was vanished so I needed to push it again.



I successfully pushed it using ur tutorial but the problem is that the Myproject.uproject / maps…
all these folders and files are only available when u launch from editor using usb debugging not when the game packaged/ exported normally

So, even when i push the UECommandline.txt it does not run as the game is already open and when i close and open the game again it Says That the project files are not available

There should be a way to Modify the UECommandline.txt Before the game even launches

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