Get information about streaming levels inside the persistent level

Hi, I have a persistent tutorial level (LVL_Tut). In this tutorial level I want to have a series of different tutorials: one tutorial for handling the controller (LVL_Tut_Controller), one tutorial for understanding the gameplay (LVL_Tut_Gameplay), and so on.

Now my plan is, to load the tutorial for handling the controller (which works fine). And if all tasks/steps in this tutorial are fullfilled, I want to unload the LVL_Tut_Controller and load the LVL_Tut_Gameplay, so that the next tutorial load automatically, when the last one was accomplished successfully.

My implementation is as the following (in the future this will be soft coded - but for clarification this is a hard coded one):

In my different tutorial levels I call the following node, when all tutorial steps are accomplished:


But this doesn’t work. I get an error at the GetStreamingLevel node:

Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetStreamingLevel_ReturnValue". Blueprint:  LVL_Tutorial Function:  Execute Ubergraph LVL Tutorial Graph:  EventGraph Node:  Bind Event to On Level Unloaded

Maybe there is a problem with my concept, but are there any suggestions/hints on how to implement this?

I don’t think there’s a way to know what level is currently loaded ( in blueprint ).

As far as I can recall, ‘get streaming level’ always returns the persistent level.

So you just need to code the stuff manually ( unload A, and load B ).