Hi, can I get the HUD from a blueprint other than a player controller?
Using Get Player Controller Node doesn’t give GetHUD option.
Normaly it should show the Get HUD Node if you pull the wire from the Get Player Controller Node result.
Did you maybe turn of Context Sensitive at the upper right corner of the window that should contain the Get HUD node?
If not, where do you try to get the HUD?
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I try to get it in a widget
@eXi Yes, turning off the Context Sensitive check box did it for me in 4.5 . That checkbbox could have been more evident for the user. Maybe by not having it at the top, but rather at the bottom of the menu.
doesnt do it for me im afraid, how can i locate this node? 4.11 version
Ya, following along with the pause menu documentation tutorial and can’t find the Get HUD Reference even when I turn off content sensitive.
Thanks, it was the perfect answer.