Get full access to Logitech Steering Wheel

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to make the Logitech Steering Wheel SDK 8.75.30 working but it seems to be broken.

I’ve successfully load and access to the LogitechSteeringWheel.dll, LogiInitializeWheel() returns true I can detect the model of my wheel with LogiIsModelConnected() and all related functions but :

  • GetStatesENGINE() returns only Wheel rotation, throttle and brakes are on the same axis
  • SetOperatingRange has no effet (and still returns true)
  • GenerateNonLinearValues has no effect (also returns true)
  • LogiSetPreferredControllerProperties always returns false (and it’s needed to separate pedals)
  • Same for GetCurrentProperties (is there a change in LogiControllerPropertiesData ?)
  • LogiPlayLeds always returns false
  • And the most important : I can’t access clutch and shifter current position

And I’ve also try the LogitechWheelPlugin ([FREE] Logitech Wheel Plugin - Plugins - Unreal Engine Forums) which uses the static library instead of the dynamic.

And I have the same results.

Anybody experienced with steering wheels on UE4 ?

Best regards everyone :slight_smile:


Will this plug-in work with UE5? specifically the matrix demo.