Hi everyone,
I’m trying to make the Logitech Steering Wheel SDK 8.75.30 working but it seems to be broken.
I’ve successfully load and access to the LogitechSteeringWheel.dll, LogiInitializeWheel() returns true I can detect the model of my wheel with LogiIsModelConnected() and all related functions but :
- GetStatesENGINE() returns only Wheel rotation, throttle and brakes are on the same axis
- SetOperatingRange has no effet (and still returns true)
- GenerateNonLinearValues has no effect (also returns true)
- LogiSetPreferredControllerProperties always returns false (and it’s needed to separate pedals)
- Same for GetCurrentProperties (is there a change in LogiControllerPropertiesData ?)
- LogiPlayLeds always returns false
- And the most important : I can’t access clutch and shifter current position
And I’ve also try the LogitechWheelPlugin ([FREE] Logitech Wheel Plugin - Plugins - Unreal Engine Forums) which uses the static library instead of the dynamic.
And I have the same results.
Anybody experienced with steering wheels on UE4 ?
Best regards everyone