How i can get the (positive) difference beetween two floats? The floats (X1, X2) are positive and negative.
So, i have for example 1#
X1= -1500, X2= -800
or for Example 2#
X1= -200 X2=100
or 3#
X1=300 X2=700
How can i calculate the difference between this two floats.
1# = would be 700, for 2# 300 and for 3# 400
I dont found a node for this in blueprints. I found only subtract. But i cannot use just subract because some floats are positive and negative and sometimes they are only positive or only negative.
The calculated difference should be always positive. Maybe write a blueprint function in a library in C++for this to use this in blueprints? How can i do this?