Get current level (python)

Why? Documentation makes no indication of what the argument should be, probably because there shouldn’t be one for a get_current_level query.

unreal.LevelEditorSubsystem.get_current_level() returns error:

TypeError: descriptor ‘get_current_level’ of ‘LevelEditorSubsystem’ object needs an argument

from Documentation:

Get the current level used by the world editor.
Returns: The current level
Return type: Level

I’m assuming there’s a subsystem provider somewhere.

This still works in the meantime

world = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary.get_editor_world()
levels = unreal.EditorLevelUtils.get_levels(world)
level = levels[0] if len(levels) else None

Had the same problem. Here’s what worked for me:

import unreal
from unreal import LevelEditorSubsystem

les = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(LevelEditorSubsystem)
