Get Composure Output Image

Hi, I’m trying to get the output of my Composure Comp, I’ve currently got it setup where my Composure Comp ouput is set to “Player Viewport Compositing Output”. I’ve tried 2 ways as can be seen in the image below.

I then take the Texture and set my UI Widget but I get this image instead.

I tried using Export to Disk node to save it as an image but i get an error saying “Unsupported Texture Format” and the “Export Texture 2D” saved a file which was 20kb that i can’t view.
Is there a way for me to get the Composure Comps render output? I tired also changing the Composure Comp output to something else but same result. Just to note that exporting the renders as an image sequence or to a file isn’t really an option. As i’m going to convert this into C++ to the get the Texture as a pointer to feed it elsewhere.
