Hi, I’m trying to get the output of my Composure Comp, I’ve currently got it setup where my Composure Comp ouput is set to “Player Viewport Compositing Output”. I’ve tried 2 ways as can be seen in the image below.
I then take the Texture and set my UI Widget but I get this image instead.
I tried using Export to Disk node to save it as an image but i get an error saying “Unsupported Texture Format” and the “Export Texture 2D” saved a file which was 20kb that i can’t view.
Is there a way for me to get the Composure Comps render output? I tired also changing the Composure Comp output to something else but same result. Just to note that exporting the renders as an image sequence or to a file isn’t really an option. As i’m going to convert this into C++ to the get the Texture as a pointer to feed it elsewhere.