Get class of selected blueprint from content browser

I am working on a editor utility widget and I’m trying to use “get selected assets” node in order to grab the class data of a selected blueprint from the content browser. The problem I have is that the class it returns is “Blueprint” instead of the selected child class( ex: BP_Weapon). How can I get a reference to the selected class( BP_Weapon Class)?

Hey @Rypz!

Where is this being called? Level BP? Player? Gamestate? Looks like maybe a widget?

Knowing that would help figure out a fix :slight_smile:

it’s called from a editor utility widget

One thing I didn’t mention. I am aware that there is a scripting plugin that can help with this kind of functionality, however I was able to get the other references I needed without it (ex: skeletal mesh, level actors) and since this is the only thing I would need it for, I would rather not enable it as long as there is another way to do this.

Give this a shot!

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Thank you for looking into this, but it seems that I am missing the last 2 nodes " get blueprint asset" and “generated class”. I think it might be because of my older engine version (ue4 4.27).

It seems there is another node which I totally missed named “get selected blueprint classes”. This one returns the class I wanted.

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