Get Children of costum UUserWidget


is it possible to programmatically get all Widgets which are children of a custom UserWidget in c++?

like so:

void UMyUserWidget::MyCustomFunc()
    // example
    TArray<UWidget> Children = this->GetChildren();


Image i make a Widget Blueprint from UMyUserWidget and i add some Buttons in the Designertabs. And then GetChildren() would return those buttons (and other widgets of course).

thanks for your help

Hm, i only found that “UPanelWidget” and all underlying classes have Child Operation (maybe other classes too, but i haven’t found anything within
the UUserWidget class):

Too always have your widgets at hand, you should just add them to an Array when you add them at all. I did this in UMG and would do this in C++ too.
When you add a series of widgets, add them to an array. All other widgets, like pre placed buttons or so, already should have a variable. Otherwise you wouldn’t
be able to interact with them :smiley:

hey thanks for your fast reply.

I always add my desired widgets to an array, but i dislike to do it manually with each single widget.

so i am trying it like this now (not working yet):

/* in .h

TArray<UMyButtonWidget*> Buttons;


void UMyUserWidget::Test()
UPanelSlot* RootPanel= Cast<UPanelSlot>(GetRootWidget()->Slot);

	if (OverlayWidget)
		if (UVerticalBox* VertBox = Cast<UVerticalBox>(OverlayWidget->Content))
			for (int32 i = 0; i < VertBox->GetChildrenCount(); i++)
				if (UMyButtonWidget* btn = Cast<UMyButtonWidget>(VertBox->GetChildAt(i)))
					GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(3, 3, FColor::Red, btn->GetFName().ToString());

best regards

its me again :wink:

i was able to get the children this way:

void UMyUserWidget::GetMyChildren()


// Get the root panel widget (if you know its a panel, otherwise cast to the widget you have as root)
if (UOverlay* OverlayWidget = Cast<UOverlay>(GetRootWidget()))
	// in my case the root overlay has a verticalbox as child, and since SOverlay only has ONE child i simply get the first one at index 0
	if (UVerticalBox* VertBox = Cast<UVerticalBox>(OverlayWidget->GetChildAt(0)))
	     // get the number of children inside the verticalbox to iterate through
	     int32 ChildrenCount = VertBox->GetChildrenCount();
	     for (int32 i = 0; i < ChildrenCount; i++)
                   // if the current child is of widgettype i want to save add it to the array
		   if (UMyDesiredChildWidget* btn = Cast<UMyDesiredChildWidget>(VertBox->GetChildAt(i)))

Maybe you have a better idea to do it, but i felt like to share my solution as well :wink:

happy coding

You should use the WidgetTree’s ForEachWidget lambda iterator, that handles all the cases for dealing with named slots and such.



thanks for this hint Nick, ill use it this way then :slight_smile:

kind regards