get assets by class in blueprint always return Array Length 0

I am having trouble trying to get the correct strings to input here

I keep getting an empty array - (Running as Standalone Game)

I have tried combinations with:

CaMTDA_Character_Base_C (and CaMTDA_Character_Base)

CaMTDA_Character_Base_C (and CaMTDA_Character_Base)

I cannot figure out how to get this to work?

I have added the following to the Project Settings->Game->Asset Manager->“Primary Assets to Scan”

In HUD Event BeginPlay I call (I have also tried adding the “_C” omitted in image

The FUnction:

I also do this in HUD BeginPlay after theaforementioned code:

I always get a returned length of 0 for the array

This is the info for the Primary Data Asset Bluepriunt Class

With these settings I get print string “2” in standalone game.
Without adding Primary Asset I also get “0”.

This helped, took me a bit, but realized I was not putting the Asset name in the Path String

When I added the “_C” for Asset Name, and used the ACTUAL Asset name in the path, I got it to work!

I took me forever and still could not find specific info on this, this helped a lot!

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