I need a way to get all components (specifically static mesh components) from an actor class, I would rather not spawn it just to get the components and then delete it again so I was wondering if there is some equivalent to Get Class Defaults but for components, again, specifically static mesh components.
What I’m trying to do is show what an actor will look like to the player before actually spawning it, so I need to get all the visual elements from that actor without having the blueprints fire so I thought only getting the static mesh components would be the best idea. If there is a better way of achieving this goal then please let me know.
not sure if you can get default components for an actor by using blueprints, but why not to spawn a temporary actor? Do I understand that you do not want to spawn it due to begin play? You can always have a boolean variable exposed to spawn that will break begin play execution if needed.
If you put some screenshots that will help to get better understanding and may be better ideas.
It was because of begin play, but I did not know about exposing variables to the spawn node. It is definitely a good workaround and this seems like something I should have learnt a long time ago. Thank you I’ll mark this as the answer!