It would be amazing if you could have a node which simply returned all the classes in the game (only the ones from the ‘Content’ folder, obviously). Why would this be useful?
Well, here’s an example.
You (for some reason) want to make a fridge which has random types of food in it, you set up your attachment points inside the fridge and then you want to loop through every class that extends your main food class. Let’s say it’s called BP_Food. You could make an array of classes of type BP_Food and set the default values to all your foods BP_Apple, BP_Orange, BP_Cake. That works and it’s currently the best implementation for something like that, but it wouldn’t it be better if when the game first starts up, you loop through all the classes and if one of them extends BP_Food, you then add that to the BP_Food array. You can now choose random foods and spawn them at the attachment points.
Hopefully I explained the feature well and that it gets implemented. It would be really useful and I can imagine a lot of people would use it.
Thank you! <3
- Alex