So I have a some nested Blueprints which has been a joy up until now. As it works now I have a master blueprint called “Ball”. Ball is the parent to “Enemy” and “Player”. Enemy is parent to many enemy types “Bomber” “Charger” etc.
My issue is, is that if I do an Get All Actors of Class for Enemy it not only gets Enemy and its children it also gets Player. Is there a way to set up the Get All Actors of Class so that it respects that Player is not a child of Enemy?
Well after doing a silly test, I am mistaken on one part. The array I’m building from the Get All Actors of Class doesn’t have the Player in it, but none the less, when I DestroyActor everything in that array it nukes the Player too… that’s my real problem that I don’t understand.
I’m a freakn idiot. I thought this whole time it was a failure of my arrays or getting actors when I forgot to link the Array Element for each Actor to the DestroyActor function. Consider this resolved!