Get all actors of class - event starting only in one actor

Hello everyone,
so i have this cannon that shoots projectiles at cursor location. And i have 4 of them at the same time. I want all of them to shoot projectile when i hit a button. Everything works when there is only one cannon. But when i have more of them, only one is shooting. I have no idea what i did wrong.

Here is the bpPlayer with Get all actors of class - the print string is showing that there are 4 actors, but still only one is shooting. Fire! is the event in the cannon bp that shoots projectile. The cannon bp also draws projectile path, from cannon to crosshair. And again there is only one path - from the one cannon that is shooting.

Any ideas?

Best regards.

Add a print string to the fire event in the cannon, all 4 may actually be firing but are overlapping. Without seeing the nodes for the fire event it will be little more than guessing what the problem could be. The print string will at least let you verify if the event is firing on all of them or not.

I added print string to fire event. And it confirms that only one cannon is firing.
Here’s the firing event:

Don’t mind the fire rate thing, its a leftover.

What happens if you remove the branch and bool check just after the fire! node? What is that bool checking…is it something on the player? What sets it to true?

Put a print string on the false and see if it fires the string 3 times and the other goes true to spawn the projectile.

Well, that’s it. There is something wrong with that branch…eeh i suck at debugging. When i bypass it, all cannons are firing. Not like they supposed to fire, but i think i figure it out by myself now.

Thank you Black Phoenyx