Get actor of class not working when variable plugged in.

Hey guys, so I ran into something kind of annoying. “Get Actor Of Class” works fine when I specify actor class in the input pin. But it does not work when i plug in a variable or from a data table.

I’m trying to get the actor “BP Generator” and call an Event dispatcher called “Call Turn Off” from THIS blueprint that is “Event Manager”.

The problem is that the output pin of “Get actor of class” changes from “BP Generator Object Reference” to “Actor Object Reference” when I plug in the class variable. Therefore I can’t call the “Call Turn Off”

Is there any way around this problem that I’m not seeing?

FYI- Actor is already Loaded in the level, and the array is not empty.

Try to change actor class to “BP Generator” class in the structure used by the data table

and data table storing hard class is not a good idea,sometimes it makes the data table very huge.better to make the classes soft .

I thought of that, but that wont be the only actor I’ll need reference too.

Yes storing hard reference in data table doesn’t sound like a good idea… lol

oh sorry I didn’t notice you were trying to call an dispatcher,I thought it was binding.

you can create an interface to interact with matter what type they are.

like so :

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That’s it, it worked!! Interfaces do work with no matter the class!

Event dispatcher was were i went wrong.

Thank you!

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