Get actor location in another actor coordinate system

I have this actor and I want to know if my character is behind it (green arrow) or not (red arrow)

So I’d like to convert my character world transform to relative coordinate space of another actor. What I tried:

But moving one one side of the railing, didn’t get persistently negative or positive axis coord on print debug.

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Not actual answer to the topic mentioned, but anyway helped me to understand if it’s behind or in front. In my case I used right vector instead of forward (as I wanted Y axis)

I’d recommend using look at rotation. You current setup would only work in extremely specific conditions.

Here’s the post I made that briefly goes over it. Ignore the TriggerBox part of it.

No, it works fine, just doesn’t anwer the topic

I’m talking about this.

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Ah, yeah, that was an example of non-working attempt of solution, I’m just pretty sure the actual answer (to the topic) includes that function, convert transform to relative, or something similar

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