“Get Action Value” always returns False on Pressed

Why do these examples always return false?

I’m using Enhanced Input and it’s pretty frustrating that “Get Action Value” does not accurately return whether a button is pressed or not. The only way to get the accurate Action Value is to drag a pin directly from the input event.

Because of this I constantly need to set my own booleans to keep track of which buttons are currently pressed so that my events can perform checks based on that. Is this intended behavior or a bug in the engine? If it’s intended, why would you ever want it to return false on pressed?

It’s not a bug, it says when you hover over the node that it does take triggers into account. It also says it will never return true for a release trigger, so even the wierd delayed tick behavior is intended. It seems to only ever return true the tick after an input is triggered for most triggers and no trigger. If you use the Completed pin with your input action it should return true. I have no idea why it works like that or why those nodes exist. Could be that they just aren’t meant to be used with bool values.