Unfortunately AI Move To doesn’t work with a player controlled pawn and Simple Move To Location doesn’t have the acceptance radius. I’m not good at vector math and google has turned up nothing. I’m trying to take the point of click (vector) the location of the player(vector) and move the player to the location of click minus a float radius (like the AI Move To does). Can anyone please explain how to get a vector of the clicked location minus a distance ?
Sphere and sphere2 are the two locations you’re interested in, and that 0.9 is how far you want to go as a % ( 90% of the way in this case ).
EDIT: fixed the diagram
Impact Point here is the click location and the result will give you a location that is further away from the player.
If you want a location that is closer to the player than the click, add the vectors instead.
thanks this was close but not quite what I wanted but it pushed me in the right direction to find my own solution that works