Get a Selected component in Editor

Simply said, I have an actor in a level, I want to get reference to the selected actors - selected components.
I have a node here that should do this, but it requires a Target object that I cant seem to get whatsoever.
Any ideas on how to get this in Editor Utility Widgets?


Did you ever find anything about this issue? I’m having this same issue with it right now.

I also couldn’t get the solution in Blueprint, but for C++ this works:

TArray<UObject*> Buffer;

GEditor->GetSelectedComponents()->GetSelectedObjects(UActorComponent::StaticClass(), Buffer);

P.S. This is not the first time I encounter such oddities in Unreal… :unamused:

This worked for me


Hi there! I want to check the selected spline points from a blueprint actor with a spline component in the editor? I’m using a utility widget class. Any clue about how to do it? Thanks!