georeferencing and registration a component

Hi i have more scans “laser scanner” and a photo taked with a drone.

I would like to know the order of workflow,
1- component registration with a control point
2 - export a total component
3- georeferencing a final total component with a ground control point?

Hi @geoanture86
I suppose there is not a best workflow for this. It depends on the amount of data, the capturing way, if your scans are georeferenced…
Basically, you can import all data in the project (scans, images, GCPs), align. If they are captured well, you will get one component. If not, you will get probably laser scan and image components. You can merge these using the GCPs, which will be placed over both components (you can use GCPs as CPs). Then just align. Or, if the laser scans are georeferenced, then you can use Merge georeferenced components setting.

My scans are georeferenced but do not cover the entire survey area. My photos are georeferenced but with an ellipsoidal height, while the scans have an orthometric height. I aligned the two projects using control points (CPs).

However, I have realized that the georeferencing using the scans locked in the registration is not accurate. Therefore, I exported the registration (scans and photos), reloaded it, and now I have inserted my ground control points. But I have a problem: every time I update, the error varies. Why is this happening?

Once the update is done, does the software also shift the already created model?

It is not necessary to cover a whole area. There is needed some common part.
You need to choose, which coordinates you want to use (laser’s or image’s) and for the second data turn off the georeferencing. Then you can merge them using CPs or GCPs (I suppose GCPs would be better, but they need to be placed over both datasets properly).
Each update is slightly different and it is trying to pass the actual alignment to your measurements. Yes, the model should be shifted, too. But as you are getting such big errors, I would use a new alignment to get the more precise model.

Can you explain the correct procedure? Thanks

What do you mean? I suppose there is not exact correct procedure, as it depends on the data and how they are captured.
Also, the basic steps are explained in my previous posts.

Which heights do you want to keep? As you know (I suppose), RealityCapture is working with ellipsoidal heights. Otherwise it is used more as local heights (this is not an exact explanation).

I suppose you just need import images and turn of camera priors.
Import laser scans as registered and georeferenced or not (it depends on the used coordinates and if they work for you).
Import GCPs in correct coordinate system.
Probably you will get two components (image and laser scan). There you need to place the GCPs over both components on minimally three images/LSPs for each component.
Then you will need to align your data again. These GCPs should merge the data together (I suppose they are in a wanted coordinate system, so you can set not georeferenced during the laser scan import. As you mentioned that you were not satisfied with the laser scan’s accuracy).

Also, try to aware of red triangles for GCPs.