[GeometryScript/ C++] Why the VertexNormals buffer is not set ?

Hey, i am playing with the GeometryScript system in Unreal Engine 5.4.
Here is the code i use to Initialize the component:

void AProceduralAsteroid::Initialize()
    {    MeshComponent->GetDynamicMesh()->Reset();

The generation:

void AProceduralAsteroid::GenerateMesh()
        double StartTime = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
        FGeometryScriptPrimitiveOptions Options;
        UGeometryScriptLibrary_MeshPrimitiveFunctions::AppendSphereBox(MeshComponent->GetDynamicMesh(), Options, RootComponent->GetRelativeTransform(), Size, Resolution, Resolution, Resolution);
        auto Mesh = MeshComponent->GetMesh();
        for (int VertexID : Mesh->VertexIndicesItr())
            FVector3d VertexPos = Mesh->GetVertex(VertexID);
            float NoiseValue = computeNoise(VertexPos);
                    FVector3d Normal(Mesh->GetVertexNormal(VertexID));
            UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Normal: %s - %d"), *Normal.ToString(), Mesh->HasVertexNormals());
            FVector3d Offset = Normal * (NoiseValue * NoiseIntensity);
            Mesh->SetVertex(VertexID, VertexPos + Offset);
    //blabla generate mesh

In the generation loop, all the normals i are [0,1,0] (The default vector returned by GetVertexNormal if not DynamicMesh3::VertexNormals.IsSet())

MeshComponent->GetMesh()->EnableVertexNormals(FVector3f(0,0,1)) Initialize the buffer so i dont know why the Mesh->HasVertexNormals() returns false

Thank you !