Geometry Collection not breaking on impact ?

If you want to break geometry collection on impact as it used to be in apex destruction (UE4). Then use these settings in your GC blueprint.

  1. Enable Clustering.
  2. Set Cluster Connection Type to “Chaos Point Implicit”.
  3. Mass as Density “false/unchecked”.
  4. Mass : “2500”.

5.Now you will be wondering why Mass have to be 2500 when we are not even using it. And answer is that I don’t know but there is bug in engine 5.3 where if you have set Mass other than 2500 (even if you have Mass as Density turned Off) it will not work.

6.So firstly set mass to “2500” then turn off “Mass as Density”

I hope it helped :slight_smile:

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I just wanted to share solution so that’s why I created this question. Which is already answered :point_up_2:

         I hope it helped :) My Socials :

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