Geomerics Enlighten Finally supports UE4

On last stream Daniel Wright said that (in his personal opinion), distance field based GI is the best shot at having dynamic GI in UE4.
Though I have some doubts about it. Like:

  1. It will probabaly be only one bounce. Even if technique could in theory support more then…
  2. We are limited on distance at which distance fields can be traced, so it limits us to single bounce.
    So we would need at least two more complimentary GI techniques like:
    SSDO for screen space GI (small range)
    And something for more large scale GI, that will reach beyond 3 meters.

In anycase it’s hard to say where exactly issues with precomputing GI with enlighten lies, as Geomerics do not share any details how their tech work.

Wow… That is amazing. Wow…

I’m wondering why there are no real informations ??? They just throw out the demo “which is really cool” but what about some informations? Release? Price? techical informations ? maybe even free integration to UE4 ? etc… etc…
I just checked Enlightens webpage, there are also 0 informations… I’m curious about the twitch stream tomorrow, hopefully they will bring us some informations…

The preprocessing is where it has to make low-detail meshes of all of the level geometry, it does it automatically. In Unity there are currently other limitations based on things like light types that they haven’t implemented yet, the biggest limitation to me is that it doesn’t work with moving objects. For the most part that’s not a problem for people, but for instance that’s a very big problem for doors, where it can use a probe to fake the lighting of the area but the lighting inside and outside the door can be extremely different and then the probe effect doesn’t work since it doesn’t take that into account.

Thanks for the advice but I always use an importance volume, unless there’s another technique where you use two?

I thought I’d find you in this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

This is pretty cool stuff, I’ve seen the logo on their website for quite some time so I guess it wasn’t long before this happened… We’ll end up with multiple DGI solutions at this rate! Mind you that indirect lighting looks insanely overpowering. Look around at your rooms right now and tell me if that’s how it looks…

Enlighten is single-bounce right? Wonder how it behaves with the reflections. I also wonder how dynamic it really is, especially for moving objects. Moving lights is one thing… skeletal meshes are another.

It doesn’t work with dynamic objects

Supposedly, in the current version some dynamic objects can contribute to the indirect lighting. That’s not the version Unity licensed, however.

It’s unclear what all they can do with dynamic objects, it definitely can’t render fully dynamic GI like it does with everything else. Currently it doesn’t do any of those things, it just uses a dynamically updating probe for those objects, just like UE4 does already.

And you have a source for this?

Enlighten is an technology. But there is really no price for a license or something else. A bit disappointing. Does anybody know if VXGI will be implemented in the Unreal Engine 4 till the end of the year? NVIDIA told that. But there is no statement from EPIC to this topic. For this reason I have no hope that this feature will be coming. Baking Lightmaps takes too much time.

Here they talk about a lot of Enlighten stuff–while it’s in Unity, everything applies to how it would work in any other engine.

Here’s what they say about doors (dynamic objects)

Which isn’t clear exactly what their solution is.

Epic does not want to integrate anything that only works on one GPU brand, so if it only works on Nvidia graphics cards then they aren’t interested in adding it. They said it’s something they would consider if it has enough platform support, but there’s other things they’d have to work out with Nvidia like how the code would need to be in the available source and stuff like that. At the moment it doesn’t seem like they’re particularly interested in pursuing it.

In the UE video the lamp seems to be movable though.

It is, but it’s not using GI, it’s using regular light probes.

I certainly hope Unity includes it for free with a $1,500 asking price. Meanwhile, the $20 that the UE4 costs clearly wouldn’t cover something like that.

While cool, I don’t like the limitations much.

I’d be happy getting the last little bits of what Lionhead has for LPV (I forget what it was, something about light injection or something to do with the sky?).

There’s not much that’s going to improve LPV

Please anyone help me. I don’t want to ask answerhub for now.

I wanted to mimic the feel of the video of Enlighten. So I started fiddling with LPV. I don’t know if Lionhead solution is implemented or not and how to access and what is it about and how different it is from UE4 default LPV. I followed these tuorials:

And this video to make a dynamic sun to create the dynamic light for dynamic GI:

I made coloured BSPs and I chnaged the time and colours and I got these results:

And I tried to do that in the same from the video aka Architecture by changing the Directional Light like in the tutorials and I got this: The sunlight going through the red curtain and diffusing reddish light almost like the video:

But when I tried to do the same in the map no light that has the flashlight tied to the player, I couldn’t even find how to change its light like in the tutorial to make it behave like the video forcing it to diffuse red when I orineted the flashlight towards the curtains

Please help to set the flashlight to create dynamic GI using what is proposed within UE4( I hope the trick doesn’t work only for directional lights like the sun otherwise we are doomed). Thanks

LPV can’t produce results like Enlighten, the detail isn’t there and it doesn’t actually cast shadows with the secondary bounces.
In your case, the issue is that LPV isn’t supported on spotlights, currently it’s only supported with directional lights and emissive textures. And ultimately it’s not going to give good results for interiors.

Oh I see. And what about the Lionhead solution you integrated? What does it consist in? I read it is a dynamic GI.