Generic USB controller button don't respond when the axis stick is in use

I have a Generic USB controller setup using the rawinput and the bindings. Everything works individually, but when I use either of the analogue sticks and push a button at the same time the action event no longer fires.

This is using the default twinstick demo. Any ideas what could be causing this?

I can confirm this work fine in 4.25 with that plugin for simultaneous axis & action mapping; with a knock-off xbox controller.

Do you perhaps have more than 1 device? As in, another controller / flight stick / wheel hooked up?

Fresh out of ideas so I’m wondering whether something else is consuming input as your setup seems to be spot on.

Is there a reason why you’re skipping Axis Properties 0 in RawInput? Esoteric controller?

Thanks. I’ve just upgraded to the latest version to give that ago (4.26.1). I’m using a Stadia controller. It works fine in Windows so lets see what happens :slight_smile:

I’ve just upgraded to 4.26.1 and then had it crashing but after deleting half the folders it all seems to be working correctly. Thanks for the tip. It’s only taken my 2 days to get it working.

No reason for skipping Axis Properties 0 in the just need to readdress and sort it out. I’ve not been looking at UE long so just getting my head around it… I’m spending 90% of my time on google :slight_smile: