Generating VS project files for Shooter/Strategy Games


So I built the UE4 from source using GitHub. Not I am attempting to generate the Visual Studio project files for the strategy and shooter example games found in the Unreal Marketplace.

When I right-click on the StrategyGame.uproject file I am given the option to “Switch Unreal Engine Version”. When I try to switch to the source code version it automatically attempts to build the project files but then another window pops up showing me this:

Running D:/GitHub/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“D:/UnrealProjects/StrategyGame/StrategyGame.uproject” -game -engine -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for game…
ERROR: Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of StrategyGame
ERROR: Couldn’t find module rules file for module ‘AIModule’.

I get the exact same message when I try to generate the files for the shooter game as well.

Anyone know what this means?

Hi Oblivinator101,

What version of the Engine are you using, and what version of Shooter Game and Strategy Game did you download?

Hello ,

I’m new to using GitHub but I forked the 4.2.1 version of the engine and I downloaded the 4.3 version of both games. I looked to see if there was a 4.3 version I could clone but I didn’t see it on the github website

I just checked again and I see it now. Maybe downloading that version will make it work. Is there a simple way to replace the 4.2 clone with the 4.3 version?

Hi ,

The simplest way to update to a newer version of the Engine would be to delete the existing Engine folder from your computer, then reclone the newer version with the correct dependency files for the newer version. This is not recommended if you have modified any of the Engine source files.

There are other methods for updating to a newer version of the Engine, but they are a little more involved. I can expand on one or two of those methods if you would like.

Alternatively, you could try downloading the 4.2 version of the Shooter and Strategy games and open them in your current Engine version. It is possible to upgrade a project from 4.2 to 4.3, for example, but you cannot take a project the other way (from 4.3 to 4.2). Even when upgrading a sample project from 4.2 to 4.3, you will still need to go through and clean up some code errors caused by changes to the Engine, so downloading the correct version of the sample project is usually the easiest option.